This month, Paweł Widera is running a tutorial on Artificial Intelligence in games. We will learn how to write our own intelligent bot that will kick our backsides :P
To keep things simple, we’ll be targeting a particular variant of classic 2-player pen and pencil game. The rules may be simple but the gameplay is pretty exciting!
The tutorial will introduce several heuristic search algorithms typically used in game play, starting with a random search and greedy optimisation, through MiniMax and its variants, to the Monte Carlo search tree. We’ll have several demo programs to play with and a competition at the end, so bring your laptop!
Python beginners are welcome. If you don’t feel comfortable on your own, there will be several more experienced people who you can team up with.
As always, Sharpe Recuitment and Pebble will be sponsoring the pizza!
Please bring your laptop and get yourself setup with Python and Java:
To install on Debian or Ubuntu, simply do:
sudo apt install python3 openjdk-8-jre